Thursday, February 18, 2010

She always belonged to someone else

"Be strong, it will be all right," they said. "Do not cry over him, he is not worth your tears," they tried. "I know it's hard now, and I will always be here," they promised ... and disappeared .. And just when she felt like the lonlies person in the wolrd went out and sat on a bench by a playground. She looked at the little children who laughed and chased each other, but a little girl with blond curly hair caught her attention. This little girl climbed on a tree and she felt that something terrible as about to happen to her, before she knew it the girl fell several feet straight down onto the ground and broke her arm. She wanted to run to the little girl but could not move, she wanted to scream but could not make a sound. The second, the girl hit the ground, she felt a lump in his stomach, she saw the little girl scream and cry for her mom.. And she realized that the little girl would go to the hospital, get his arm plastered, get lots of kisses and attention from her mother and within 8 weeks her life would go back to normal. She realized that the little girl's arm, and wounds would heal much faster than her own heart would. She got lost in her thoughts and thought of the period when she was a child, everything was much simpler then. You could fall and scrape your knees and the pain went away the instant that your mother kissed the wound... But you can't really kiss a broken heart.

"Hrrrm" said a voice beside her. She snapped back to reality from his thoughts. She looked around and all the children were gone, the next thing she noticed was that the night was about to fall, and first when she thought of what had taken her down to earth, she looked beside her and saw a middle-aged woman sitting there with dark brown eyes looking anxiously at her. "How are you dear child", she said. It was the first time since the day she decided that no one will see her in pain again that someone had looked through her facade and saw the broken heart. "Good," she said, but felt her voice break on the second letter. The woman wiped away some tears that had begun to slide down her cheeks, only then she realized that she was crying - she hated her tears, her eternal traitors! She could see that the woman was under stress when her own little daughter pulled her by the arm and asked when they would go, so the woman saw deep into her eyes and said with a self-assurance that she had never seen before: "Only a new love can heal a broken heart."

She went to bed that night and for the first time she dreamed not of what once was, about what destroyed her, unusually, she dreamed of nothing at all. But the second she woke up the woman's words echoed in her head. She tried to suppress them, but they made themselves felt again and again for several weeks, when she finally decided that maybe it is time to look forward rather than backwards. She stood before the mirror and whispered to herslef "only a new love can heal a broken heart" .. She took up her phone and phoned the guy who she knew had done everything possible to make her happy and made the decision that he would let her do it.

They started going out and had a lot of fun together, she realized that he is not the whimp that she always thought that he was. He was simply withdrawn, but under the surface, he was a tough guy, yet sensitive enough to talk about his feelings for her. He was everything that she had dreamed of when she was a child. She had even started to laugh, a true laugh again. But one night when she stayed the night at her boyfriend's place, just before sleep time he whispered "I love you" in her ear. She became as rigid as a stick and the same lump in my stomach as she had felt when she realized that this little girl's arm would heal faster than her heart would came back. She pretended to be asleep, and also fell fast asleep.

That night she dreamed that terrible dream, that she had not dreamed for a couple of months now. She woke from the dream and looked down at her boyfriend. She felt tears roll down her cheeks, for the longer she looked at her boyfriend, the more she saw her ex. She looked at his dark hair, it's just like his was. She looked at the beautiful cheekbones that were extra-large when he smiled, and realized that they are the same as her ex's.. Carefully she crept out of the bed, put on her clothes and sneaked out of the house .. She ran straight home and did not stop even to look back until she was safe in her room. She turned the key quickly and let the tears fall.

She thought of all the times she had spent in her boyfriend's arms and felt so safe there, but at the same time she could also feel that it was the place where she least wanted to be. She thought of all those times when they had a pillow fight and how she loved being held down among the pillows and being kissed over her entire body, but some of the kisses felt like an unpleasant shock. She realized no matter how much she wanted to imagine that she loved her boyfriend, it was her ex as she sought in him. The top of her pain came when she decided to break up with her boyfriend the next day because she realized that she always belonged to someone else!

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