Thursday, March 4, 2010

Sweet smiles and a little makeup can hide so much these days

At night when she tries to sleep, rivers of tears are flowing down her cheeks, and she seems to find no hope that she will ever manage to stop them. But se does something, something she has done many nights before, she begins to lie to herself. She looks forward, one day far away from today, beyond the dark period of pain that she is in. Then she sees herself as a strong woman with a husband and two children, a happy ending. The tears slowly begin to subside and she continues with her lies. She sees white fence outside her average-sized house with roses by the house walls. She sees a big lawn where the children are running and playing... Slowly, she slips into peaceful sleep. But as soon as she opens her eyes in the morning the feeling comes back. The feeling when she regrets the day before it has even started. It's not be easy to wake in the morning when you know that you had to lie yourself to sleep the night before.

She tries to take a deep breath but it was long ago she has managed to do that, the air gets trapped halfway down to her lugns and she pushes it out in an incomplete sigh. Just as incomplete as his life has become. In a battle against the tears she sits on the edge of her bed and put one foot on the floor. "Yep, the floor is as cold as yesterday - nothing has changed", she thinks, disappointed. Every night she prays for a sign, no matter how small, that the morning will show her that tomorrow will be a better day.. but in vain! She pushes aside her emotions and searches within herself until she finds the robot; the robot that will take her through another day. It was the robot that got up and ate breakfast, put on the clothes, burshed the teeth, made the bed, packed the schoolbag and finally stood before the make-up mirror.

Now was the time for the robot to turn this sad, heartbreaking facial expressions into a shiny, happy girl. The robot began to apply foundation to give color to her pale and too dull complexion, which is the consequence of her heartache and the countless tears that she has cried. Furthermore, the robot goes to put on a little rouge, so that she gets rosy cheeks that makes people not understand that she does not feel anything inside, and that she is actually not blushing at all when someone gives her a compliment. So the black color under the eyes is not visible, the robot puts on eyeliner, both above and below the lashes, for in contrast to the black eyliner the the dark bags under her eyes become barely visible. Finally, the robot extends her lashes with mascara to better conceal the lifeless look in her eyes. The robot takes up the school bag, looks into the mirror and gives himself a false smile. It takes four fake smiles until the robot can find which is the least transparent and opens the door to meet a shining sun in the sky.

"What irony," she thinks to herself. The sun is shining in the sky while her own world is covered with darkness and rain, storms of rain coming from her eyes. When she sees the school she stays up for a while and repeats over and over again in her head that she is happy. When it becomes an impossible task, she lets the robot take over her again. The robot gets to school and is directly attacked by friends, but when the robot can see the friends it presses on a tear out in each eye, and quickly takes them back to get some more brilliance to the eyes, so that she can be a little more convincible in the act that her entire world is not crashing down. ... Another school day has ended, and with yet another excuse why she can not go for coffee the robot goes straight home. The second the legs crosses the threshold the robot disappears and it is only the little girl left again. Relieved to once again have fooled everyone that she is doing well, but devastated that no one has managed to see through her mask. "They all have their own happy life to live, why should anyone care about my pain?", she thought. She kicks the school bag to the corner of her room and throws herself on the bed and says quietly: "Sweet smiles and a little makeup can hide so much these days"!

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