Sunday, November 29, 2009

I saw her last night...

I saw her last night. The girl whose heart has been broken over and over again. She has built walls, built bridges, fallen, cried, laughed, loved, hated... Until that day when her fake smile could not be kept in place anymore, the same day when she stood in front of the mirror and saw a lost soul. A tear rolled, slowly, down her cheek and she whispered to herself with a low, shattered voice: "I can't do this anymore". She made up her mind that day that she was not going to pretend anymore. She went to school with a shattered expression in her face, because that is how she felt inside and the only brilliance that you could see in her eyes was the one made by the tears that were pressing up in her eyes but which she bravely forced back. She became a robot, stuck in her every day routines, and had no desire to be communicative. Her cellphone stopped ringing and her mailbox that had to be cleaned out daily before was empty now. People had given up on her and she had given up on people. The only comfort that she had was Fluffy, the bear, that has been her best friend since she was two years old...

I saw her last night. She was walking on the other side of the street with her head held low fighting back her tears. I could not help but to feel sorry for her because I know why she was sad; life got to her!

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