Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Tomorrow is taken for granted!

Every morning in the newspaper we read about people that have died.. Murder.. Heartattack.. Age.. Accidents etc. But we don't give these much thought because it is not the people that we love that and we continue our lives, just like we have never read the articles. I'm sure that all of you have at some point wanted to call a person and apologize for something bad that you have done, or just to say that you love them.. But than you have thought "ah, I'll do it tomorrow" and tomorrow you repeat the same pattern. Because there is always 'another day' to say our "I love you's", "I'm sorry's", "I miss you's" or whatever it is that is on your heart. But if this person had suddenly been taken away from you, disappeared from your life in some way.. Would you regret that you never took the time to make that phone call that you have been meaning to do for so long but never gotten around to do it?

Have you ever thought about what would happen if we found out that the world was coming to it's end in half an hour? I'm sure that all telephone lines would be overloaded because every cell phone, house phone and telephone booth would be used by people calling their loved ones and telling them how much they mean to them and how much they love them!

Live is not something that we should take for granted! We never know when our loved ones is going to be taken away from us, so take your time TODAY to make that phone call that you are saving for "tomorrow".

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