Friday, August 28, 2009

The one who doesn't want to will find a reason, the one who wants to will find a way!

The last couple of days I have been thinking about people who have walked out of my life, and I am sure that this is a thing that everybody can relate to. I'm sure that you all have had friends that you have known forever and thought that nothing will ever be able to seperate you, and than got into a fight over an insignificant thing and went your seperate ways. The same thing has happened with relatives, colleagues, boyfriends, girlfriends.. or whoever has meant a lot to you and who you believed will always be by your side that has suddenly walked out of your life.

Many of you have, just like me, given up on people, closed your hearts to new acquaintances who wants to be a part of your life because the only thing you keep thinking about is "when will they leave?" I know that the pain after the people who left has sometimes been unbearable and that you have kept thinking that something must be wrong with you since so many people have decided to leave you. And I'm sure that most of you have come to a point when you have realized that there is no use letting people into your life because sooner or later everybody is going to hurt you, the only thing that you have to decide is who is going to be worth your pain! Right?

Wrooooooong!! Surely, many people have walked out of our lives but that is a natural process. Maybe we are supposed to spend a certain time of our lives with certain people and move on.. But I have come to a conclusion and I would like to illustrate it with an example. I have a friend, a best friend, who knows just about everything there is to know about me. This girl can read me like an open book, even when I try to hide my pain from her, and when I have to make a decision she knows what/who I'm gonna choose before I have figured it out myself. This friend is currently living far away from me, over 2000 km away, but even though I don't get to feel her physical presence she is there for me when things are good and when things are bad, she is still a part of my life even though we have to update eachother through mail, text messages and phonecalls. I am not going to mention her by name but I am sure she will recoginze herself when she reads this.. This friend has all reasons in the world to slowly walk out of my life (like many people have done before) but she is holding on to me now tighther then ever. So as you can probably understand; People who wants to leave us will find reasons to do it, but the people who truly care about us will find a way to stay in our lives!

To sum up I will state my point; The one who doesn't want to will find a reason, the one who wants to will find a way! And this is a general rule in life! Keep that in mind next time you hurt over something/someone!